Did you know that over 87% of consumers search for local businesses online, 90% read online reviews, and 84% trust online reviews as much as a personal referral?  That’s why we strive to help our clients get the most and the best online reviews with our reputatuion management services.

How do We Do it?

No matter how great your funeral home is, no business has 100% customer satisfaction.  This isn’t a problem with your funeral home.  This is just a part of doing business.  You can’t please 100% of the people 100% of the time.  However, this is a common reason why funeral home owners don’t ask for reviews on Google.  Why would you ask everyone for reviews if more likely than not the only ones that are going to respond are the unhappy ones that drag down your star rating.

What we offer is a feedback request form that leaves feedback privately, and only people that leave a positive review get asked to share it live on Google and/or Facebook.

We also understand that it’s not appropriate to ask for feedback right after a funeral, so we build in a delay so that you can automatically request feedback a set time after a funeral has happened.

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