view from top of the table where 5 people are working. the word "links" is center of table and is surrounded by other icons.

What Is Link Building? A Beginner’s Guide


If your funeral business wants to work within the guidelines of search engine optimization (SEO), then you need to know more about link building. It’s part of a comprehensive strategy to get more views on your page and drive organic traffic to your business. While it is not a substitute for creating quality content, link building should not be ignored in your SEO strategy. 


Ready to learn more about link building and how to incorporate it into your marketing? This guide will give you everything you need to know!


What Is Link Building? 

Before you can figure out how to take advantage of this technique, it’s important to have a firm understanding of just what it is. Link building means that you are acquiring links from other sites back to your own page. This gives you more exposure to other audiences, and it makes it that much more likely that your customers will find you in search engine results pages. 


Sometimes, marketers will help you create links to other pages on the web. For example, you may do a guest post or sponsor a review on another blog. However, the ultimate goal is to get others to link to your quality content simply because they recognize you as the expert in your area.


How Does Link Building Help?

When a search engine, such as Google, is looking for the answer to a query, they have their own unique algorithms to tell them who should come at the top of the search engine results page. Links from other pages back to your own shows Google that your page has high-quality information. 


Even if you have the same information as your competitor, link building can help set you apart. More links tend to lead to higher rankings when used in combination with other SEO strategies.   


One of the things you should be cautious about is manipulating your way into getting new links. If you pay for the link from an outside site back to your own, you may be practicing what is known as black hat SEO. Search engines can recognize these tactics and may end up banning you from search results completely! This is the opposite effect that you want to have, so be sure to focus on organic link building.  


The links you acquire should, in some way, be related to your business. They should come from other pages or service providers who are within the same industry. This makes the links appear more reliable to search engines, compared to links coming from unrelated pages. 


The more established the page is, the more likely you are to rank higher in the search results. For example, a link from The New York Times will be weighed more heavily than a link from a brand new website with little authority. 


Get Help With Link Building

Are you ready to dive into link building to make a bigger impact on your business? First Rank Funeral Marketing is here to help you with all of your SEO strategy needs. Learn more about how we can help you grow your business here! 

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